
RJ Marine


Delivery Service

Every week, from Price Chopper, to Your Island

This is a pay as you go, use when you need it, service.

Current Schedule:

Tuesdays at Upper Town Landing at 8:30am $25/week

Wednesday at Grenell Post Office at 8:30am $40/week

Thursday at Round Island Post Office at 8:30am $30/week

Select your island to get started!

“The RJ Marine grocery service is awesome! What a time saver! The boat is prompt and ordering online is a breeze. Highly recommend the RJ Marine Grocery Delivery Service”

— Jonnie King, Grindstone Resident

Disclaimer/whats up

RJM is not responsible for the condition the food is in, or PC sending replacement items. RJM will ensure proper overnight storage in a locked facility. RJM is to be held harmless in the case of spilt milk.